

A friend of mine was recently told that he might have sarcoidosis. Over the course of my conversations with him I thought it would be important to share some perspectives on this disease with our community of vibrational medicine providers. That means you, the healers who use vials imprinted with signatures to enhance your bioenergetic testing and treatment.

Sarcoidosis is not a common disease, but many of you will have seen a patient with this illness at some point in your career. The name means ‘a condition resembling flesh’. This is not very specific, and it hints at the persistent confusion in conventional medicine about why it occurs and how to find effective treatment.

This is a condition in which the immune system becomes aggressive and disorganized. This leads lymphocytes, monocytes and macrophages to form clumps in the lymph nodes. These clumps are called granulomas, and they are almost always seen in the lungs. They can also occur in skin, bones, joints and tendons, and in the nerves of the face and body. More serious problems can occur when they form in the brain and spinal cord, in the heart, kidneys and liver.

One of the key factors that the medical literature seems to have ignored is lack of sunlight. The highest rates of sarcoidosis are reported in northern countries like Sweden and Iceland. Most cases are diagnosed in the spring, just after the long dark winter. And in the US, it is much more common in blacks, who evolved to require much more sunlight than non-blacks. Ironically, the cells that go haywire in sarcoidosis begin producing abnormally high armounts of 1,25-Vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to hundreds of chronic diseases, and this should come as no surprise. For one million years, Homo sapiens lived outdoors, and that is where we belong. We are not indoor plants.

There are many other triggers that have been linked to this immune dysfunction. As we all know, one of the keys to treating any illness is addressing the trigger. Several microbes have been linked to sarcoidosis, but most of the research has focused on mycobacteria, fungi, borrelia and rickettsia. Toxins are a suspected trigger, with higher incidence in firefighters, people who work with pesticides and those who survived the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center. While microbes can cause infections and toxins can cause toxicity, the more important and overlooked problem is that people can become sensitive - or allergic - to both.

The specific molecules that are pumped out at high levels by the overactive immune system are also an important target for treatment. Tumor necrosis factor, or TNF, is the most common irritant. Interferon-gamma and interleukins are also worth checking. Conventional medicine has no real answers for sarcoidosis, with current treatment limited to drugs that suppress the immune system. Those have undergone medical treatment should also be tested for persistent sensitivities to these drugs.


The new paradigm of medicine that is slowly emerging is that individual people become vulnerable to immune dysfunction when blockages are triggered by irritants. The first pillar of vibrational medicine is to test the specific body structures that might be affected by each individual’s own personal history of injuries and trauma, as well as the acupuncture meridians that may be affected by these blockages. Test kits for these are important.

The second component of a thorough protocol is to identify the specific irritants that have triggered each person’s disease. Test kits for microbes, toxins and allergens in food and the environment form the basis of this testing process. Emotional factors, EMFs and non-physical are also important triggers in this regard. All of these may be related to some specific factor related to the event, so asking patients about their memory of that time in their lives can be helpful.

Finally, it is important to consider the specific dysfunction of the immune system that is causing any chronic health condition. The vibrational medicine provider recognizes that the body can actually become sensitive - allergic - to these immune cells, cytokines and other factors that are triggering dysfunction. These kits are helpful here.

This general approach to testing is essential when treating conditions like sarcoidosis, which are known to have dozens of potential causes and risk factors. But this paradigm, in which every person is sick for a slightly different reason, and requires slightly different treatment, should be your approach to treating everyone. It is the basic mechanism underlying vibrational medicine. The more comprehensive your library of test kits, the more likely you will be to find the specific trigger that will release your patient from the cycle of chronic stress and autonomic dysfunction that perpetuates their illness.

Keep up the great work, and keep testing.

The Ergo team
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