The Age of Aluminum

The Age of Aluminum

Heather Fraser

Whatever is in the environment shows up inside our body. It has become an every-increasing task of our body’s innate detox mechanisms to keep the inner milieu reasonably clean against the overwhelming osmotic pressure of the intruding chemicals and toxins. Klinghardt Institute 

We live in the Age of Aluminum, according to Dr. Chris Exley, Professor in Bioinorganic Chemistry at Keele University, Staffordshire. Aluminum is everywhere, every day. It is used in building materials, cars, pots and pans, frozen food containers, cans, utensils and more. It is in drinking water,[1] in our food, medicines and in the air.

Aluminum is a common metal in the earth’s crust but does not occur as a metal in its natural state. According to the Aluminum Association, aluminum ore (bauxite) must first be mined then chemically refined to produce the ubiquitous and convenient material humans enjoy.

When consumed, most aluminum leaves the body. However, as Dr. Exley explains, what is not excreted can have long term consequences with a particular impact on the brain.

The good news is, though, that there is the possibility of detoxifying aluminum from the body. To this end, Dr. Exley has pointed to silica and specifically to high-silica containing water.

In a 2013 study, Dr. Exley with others tested the ‘aluminum hypothesis’ in Alzheimer’s disease.[2] In this study, patients drank up to 1 L of a silica-rich mineral water each day for 12 weeks which facilitated the removal of aluminum via urine without the loss of essential metals such as iron and copper. High-silica containing waters are available commercially and include Fiji, Spritzer and Volvic.

Through this therapy, the study concludes that “the body burden of aluminum fell in individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and, concomitantly, cognitive performance showed clinically relevant improvements in at least 3 out of 15 individuals.”

Dr. Exely was interviewed by Brett Hawes where they discuss the impact of aluminum in human health.


[1] Dolara, Piero (21 July 2014). "Occurrence, exposure, effects, recommended intake and possible dietary use of selected trace compounds (aluminium, bismuth, cobalt, gold, lithium, nickel, silver)". International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition65 (8): 911–924

[2] Exley, C. et al., “Silicon-rich mineral water as a non-invasive test of the ‘aluminum hypothesis’ in Alzheimer’s disease,” J Alzheimers Dis. 2013; 33(2):423-30.

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