Candidiasis and metals

Candidiasis and metals

Candida is normally present in humans, typically found on the skin and mucosal surfaces in the mouth, the throat and the GI tract, and the respiratory and urinary systems. Candida is an opportunistic pathogen, however, and overgrowth can occur in people whose defenses are compromised by immune dysfunction, immunosuppressive drugs or antibiotics.  This fungal overgrowth is considered an infection and is known as Candidiasis.[1] 

Candidiasis disrupts the intestinal microbiome and, by further stressing the body’s immune system, promotes co-infections.  While the symptoms of candidiasis can be related to many other factors, it is important to consider candida as a possible cause.  This is a common syndrome, and patients often report improvements when they improve their diet and eliminate carbohydrate intake.  Commonly used natural health products include oil of oregano, grapefruit seed extract, caprylic acid, garlic, pau d’arco to name just a few.

In most cases, however, symptoms recur without ongoing treatment.  This may be related to a form of hypersensitivity to candida that underlies the vial testing used by many Ergopathics practitioners.  Allergy to microbes, just like allergy to foods, synthetic chemicals and biochemical and environmental factors, could explain the how and why of candidiasis.

Candida protects itself from anti-fungal medications and powerful herbs by creating a shield of “extracellular polymeric substance” (EPS) referred to as biofilm. This biofilm,[2] as thick as a human hair, helps block attempts to destroy the pathogen.

Significantly, the anionic properties[3] of the EPS matrix attract certain toxic metal cations that provide structural strength to the biofilm. The bioaccumulation of toxic metals including mercury, gold and silver from dental amalgams will ensure the re-colonization of candida even if one manages to get it under control. Much has been written about candida’s ability[4] to absorb and utilize micro and nano particles of certain metals.

Chelation may hold the key to eliminating and preventing candidiasis. 


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LWP Biofilms

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